Monday, August 25, 2008

Prague to Vienna to Villach - the best and worst of times

Hi all, I have realised that some people are actually reading this blog so I should be a little better at updating it. Prague was my longest stint in any place but definitely by choice. The city is beautiful and has avoided becoming too touristy even though it is overrun by tourists. There are so many people there and you do get used to it but when I saw the Charles Bridge early one morning without as many tourists I realised how crowded it really is! Prague was a bit of a revolving door for friends! I said goodbye to Robyn and then Pam, Graeme and Kath arrived! We did some exploring and then Steph arrived! What was nice was that I did different things with everyone.

The Jewish quarter was interesting and very moving. I went to the palace with Pam, Greame and Kath and that was different again but this is when disaster struck (hence the title - "the worst of times") because I accidentally deleted ALL of my photos. The only photos I have of my first month are the ones I downloaded for my blog. I avoided the meltdown phase and when straight to disappointment (Pam, Graeme and Kath can vouch for this!) and now am in the philosophical phase of coping with this. I went back to my diary and wrote in more detail to help me remember things and they are just photos. I have been learning about the the jews in Prague who lost everything and how everyone suffered under communism and me losing some photos doesn't seem quite as dramatic.

I was going to stay in Prague Saturday night and then catch the train to Villach via Vienna on Sunday but eight nights in Prague felt like enough. I sent a text to a friend I met in Prague (hi Nic - I told you I would put you in the blog!) who said she would be in Vienna as well so that sealed the deal. We had a great time in Vienna and I took some photos to fill in the blanks. Over some traditional Weiner Schnitzel and great Austrian red wine we made some important holiday resolutions (Nic - we need to hold ourselves to them!) and it was a great way to end the first part of my trip.

I am now in Villach and it is so restful and great to be with family. Will write more soon!

Hope everyone is well! Kim


Lisar said...

Hi Kim...Lisa from Melbourne here...Allison gave me your blog I can now keep up with your travels...sad about the photo's...but as you said, put in perspective by the loss of the Jewish people and others...looking forward to hearing and seeing the rest of your adventures...

rickali said...

Kim - I was so sorry to hear about your photos - we had a similar thing happen when we had a family road trip in 2005 and afterwards our computer crashed. We went into a period of mourning for the photos, and eventually accepted it. Good on you for moving on. Great to hear all your adventures. Ali